Originally posted by Xozny
Is it possible to somehow write many recievings seperated by commas or somehow write all possible greetings in one so you don't have to make like:
Good day
and so on so you can write:
Hi, hello, yo, hallu, hey, good day
Replies: Bla bla, hey, tjo, hola
Or is this possible already?
Originally posted by pray2win
Originally posted by Xozny
Is it possible to somehow write many recievings seperated by commas or somehow write all possible greetings in one so you don't have to make like:
Good day
and so on so you can write:
Hi, hello, yo, hallu, hey, good day
Replies: Bla bla, hey, tjo, hola
Or is this possible already?
Its possible
Will make a reply to all those abobe
just put a | between them
and | bewtween answer is aslo working i guessed.
I would say Its NOT working. I tried to put in the recieve field.
Hello | Hi
and in the answer field I wrote. Hello, how are you?
But it didnt work at all.
Although, when I make two different categories.
Then it works. So, please fix this

It will be very helpful and wont be messy

Also, very easy to control.
I have more ideas to make it better:
1) have a search box where we can search for the Name or Recieve. So, if people (like me) have lots of categories then its easy to find instead of scrolling down and looking for something. Although, it is done alphabetically.
2) Have a option where users can write many things in one category "Recieve box" e.g. Hello | Hi | sup | Yo | <-- Lots in just one recieve box.
3) Have something where users can make lots of categories in ONE

So, if someone is trying to add lots of categories in one category e.g.
Friends. Then he can add in the same Friends category ......
- My friends, - Friend I like etc. and people who are recieving it can choose whatever they want to and they will get the info for that. E.g. if the person who recived the categories
- My Friends
- Friends I like
If someone
choose My Friends then
he/she will get My friends info. Whatever is inside that "My Friends" category.
Note: Friends is the parent category and inside that category there are two child categories -- My Friends and Friends I like.
I HOPE you get what I mean for number 3.
Please for me these things are important. Infact very important so its a REQUEST try to release these things asap
and have one update very very soon.
Thank You.