O.P. [SOLVED] Group chat freezes when multiple "... has left the conversation"
Problem: MSN Messenger hangs when saving status changes when people in group chat exist simultaneously
Resolution: Conversation history is being saved to a network resource for all parties and there is a high amount of network traffic to this resource (storage for home directories). Change conversation history to save to local PC resource.
Detailed description:
Hi everyone,
My first post. I've tried searching and only came up with results to add in openconvo notifications and make tweaks to the "are you sure" messages. My problem is a little different.
I use Windows Live Messenger, Version 2008 (Build 8.5.1302.1018) regularly in group chats. I have a XP SP2, Core 2 Duo 2.4 with 4GB RAM.
When people close group chat windows in rapid succession, it causes the windows for others in the conversation to hang sometimes for 30 seconds or longer. This hang happens to multiple people in the conversation.
During this time, I will receive other messages directly to me from different MSN sources that need input and I'm frozen on this one group chat.
Once the group chat window starts responding, all the conversation windows work normally for myself and others. We can type or close them ourselves.
Our PCs are identical performance wise, but slightly different spec and we don't go beyond 35% utilization.
Reinstall doesn't help. Not sure what to tweak in the registry. I would rather prevent the windows from hanging but if it means turning off who has exited the conversation, that's acceptible.
Anyone have any advice on how keep these group chats and the notification when people leave from hanging our messenger windows?
Many thanks.
This post was edited on 05-08-2008 at 03:28 PM by JaguarXJ6.