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Google Chrome
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RE: Google Chrome
Originally posted by CookieRevised
EDIT: Segosa, I highly suggest you reread what I exactly have said in this thread instead of putting things in my mouth...

Pics plz.

Oh.. and

Google Chrome impresses me.

This post was edited on 09-04-2008 at 12:22 AM by Joe.
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09-04-2008 12:21 AM
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RE: Google Chrome
Originally posted by CookieRevised
ffs people... All I did here was telling that this first Chrome beta isn't all "ooh and wow", but that there are questionable things in it, _especially_ for those who don't know about the possible risks involved. Since when is it a crime to do that????

So, I would appreciate it if you don't call me stupid, ignorant or whatever else. For once read the stuff for what it was meant, don't put words in my mouth and maybe accept that some people do not follow the masses like mindless (or blinded by the pretty lights) sheep...


How can anyone call cookie stupid <3

P.S: I'm not overally keen on the browser. Firefox > *
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09-04-2008 01:54 AM
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RE: RE: Google Chrome
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Jarrod
i still like it, i think i prefer to one of the ppl ignorant of the security problems, because tbh i just couldn't give a shit, if Google are interested in all the boring stuff i do it's their time they're wasting reading it not mine
The security issues don't have anything todo with the possible "snooping" (or whatever you wanna call it), those are two very different things.

The security issues are big holes in the software which allow attackers to plant and run viri like trojans (or whatever) on your PC, without you knowing about it, without any notice, warning or confirmation from you.

Unless you don't care about that either. In that case, I haven't said anything :p

eh the chances of that are slim with the browsing i do, and i'm confident with my av

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09-04-2008 09:40 AM
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RE: Google Chrome
I think that Google Chrome is a decent browser, very slimline and good looking (especially in Vista). However, I have Firefox customised to suit my needs to even think about "switching".

It has me thinking about using it at college though..
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09-04-2008 12:43 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
What's up with you people, the minute someone puts in something to reveal another side than the ohh ahh and wow one you attack that person?

It wasn't Cookie who put in those links, it was me! And I did it to show people every aspect of Chrome, not just the good ones so people can form a decent/fair opinion on it before jumping on the bandwagon! Why attack Cookie on it and not me? Since when are different opinions not respected anymore? FYI I share the same opinion as he does (if Chrome was a Msft product you'd be screamin murder over the stuff you let Google get away with) and it is not touchin my computer either for the following reasons:
1. Security flaws which should not be in it in the first place, they were known!
2. Privacy issues
3. It doesn't have anything original, nothing I need, no feature I don't have in another browser already.

This post was edited on 09-04-2008 at 01:48 PM by Sunshine.
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09-04-2008 01:47 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
Originally posted by Sunshine
What's up with you people, the minute someone puts in something to reveal another side than the ohh ahh and wow one you attack that person?

It wasn't Cookie who put in those links, it was me! And I did it to show people every aspect of Chrome, not just the good ones so people can form a decent/fair opinion on it before jumping on the bandwagon! Why attack Cookie on it and not me? Since when are different opinions not respected anymore? FYI I share the same opinion as he does (if Chrome was a Msft product you'd be screamin murder over the stuff you let Google get away with) and it is not touchin my computer either for the following reasons:
1. Security flaws which should not be in it in the first place, they were known!
2. Privacy issues
3. It doesn't have anything original, nothing I need, no feature I don't have in another browser already.
1. IF I am to nitpick, there have been times where other browsers have security vulnerabilities, even though the browser is still out there.

2. The privacy issues goes around the horribly annoying wagon of people that think Google are going to take over the planet. Just because a) Google made it and b) they shortcut'd and used their "common" ToS doesn't mean that it's a spooky thing to use and Google is going to take over the planet! Come on! If it was some crappy webbrowser that is filled with spyware and using Trident as the renderer, sure. But that's not what this is. As a last note, did you notice that it's actually open source? For the sake of the humour, let's ask (, yes you guessed right!) Google! The definition of open source!

3. a) Just because something isn't extremely original doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. (I'm not saying it's a good thing, I'm not saying you have to like it, I'm not putting words in your mouth or anything.) Oh, and you're wrong. Heard of the one process per tab? One process per plugin? Different perspective of security? Of course, nowadays making a completely original browser is somewhat a difficult thing to accomplish as we're doing not-so-bad when it comes to browsers. Sometimes, when something != original doesn't mean it's a problem nor a bad thing.
b) Your call.
c) See 3a. V8 is something new. The way it works is new. "Hey, look, it can browse webpages!" "Yeah, I mean, they can all browse webpages. Come on, there's no difference." Errrrrr.

End of rant.
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09-04-2008 03:00 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
No one could say anything about your opinions Sunshine as you didn't state any.

If you agree with Cookie, see my earlier posts.
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09-04-2008 03:06 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
Issues or not... take away the brand and it isn't that much of an exciting browser. The only interesting thing I've spotted it independent processes for tabs... but it's very rare for my current browser to crash anyway.

Google aims at "webapps", i can understand why as a lot of their products are considered to be "webapps". In the real world however i don't really use any "webapp" (argh, i said it again... dodgy buzzword).
- Sure, I use GMail, but trough Thunderbird as i like Thunderbird's interface much better and it provides more features.
- Call me old, but i don't see the point of limiting chat to a browser window. I didn't dump the webchat sites in the 90s for nothing :D.
- Blah, old guy rant ;p

Any competition in browser-land is nice, but they have a long way to go before I'll give it a try.
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09-04-2008 03:36 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
Personally I like the touch and feel of the browser. It looks nice and it operates pretty well. Unfortunately it's a little slower at the moment than firefox for me, so I'll stick with the latter (just).
Originally posted by WDZ
don't be lazy
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09-04-2008 04:17 PM
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RE: Google Chrome
Betanews.com - The Google Chrome EULA debacle: Whose content is it, anyway?

....New beta testers yesterday reported that version of section 11.2 had been struck from the document, and that 11.1 preceding it was truncated to read simply that the user is the copyright owner of all the content he or she posts. "You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services," reads the remaining first sentence of Section 11.1.

But as BetaNews discovered this morning, fresh installations of Chrome on systems where it had not been installed before, are not showing the EULA for users to agree or disagree upon prior to installation. Instead, just after the Windows System Registry is altered to plant Google's autostart routine in the system startup, the download of the latest build is automatically triggered. At least for now, some users won't be getting a chance to examine the EULA...and we're having a hard time locating how a Chrome user can pull up that EULA after the browser beta is installed....

[Image: 25dr3o9]
09-04-2008 05:31 PM
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