Customise every aspect your (fake) media message (what I'm listening to), using
Fake media
Version 1.61
Set a
fake media message and control every aspect of it. If any of your contacts has a script that shows song info, they'll see the artist, title and album, instead of a title that contains all that information. For example, they won't see:
Title: Proud Mary - John Fogerty
Artist: unknown
Album: unknown
Instead, they'll see
Title: Proud Mary
Aritst: John Fogerty
Album: The long road home - In concert
This is done by using a set of numbers, each representing its own value:
- 1 = Title
- 2 = Artist
- 3 = Album
- 4 = ContentID
These numbers must be surrounded in {curly brackets}. An example would be "{0}" by "{1}" ("{2}"), resulting in:
"Proud Mary" by "John Fogerty" ("The long road home - In concert")
You may also set a specific media icon. You can choose from Music, Games and Office.
You can access the interface window using either "/FakeMedia" or the script menu. You might as well want to set a media message directly. You can use "/FakeMdia [Title] [Artist] [Album] [Format] [ContentID] [Type]".
The first three parameters are clear (I hope). The Type parameter can be one of the following values:
Each one represents its media icon. This parameter is not case-sensitive.
From version 1.60 and up, you may use the script's API to alter the media message, without having to write a script yourself. In the script's root directory, you will find an HTML file with information and an example with informative comments.
English (UK)
See note below
Known issues
None yet (let's keep it that way)
More info & download
Change log
- Per-user settings
- Automatic update system
- Notification system
- Languages & language updater
- Message preview
- Support for ContentID
- API added
- Updated API
- Fixed a big disabling command usage
- If you would like to translate this script, please contact me