The solution with the colour isn't really enough for me. I just want to change things on my own messenger. Not make my name look dumb to other people just becouse they haven't got msgplus installed (even if they maybe deserves it
The changes in msglang.dll is better, but it's not fully satisfying. (can you say it like that? sorry for my bad english =) )
Can't you make it to one line instead of two? I've read the old thread about "mIRC-plugin" where they discuss this too, it was the last question there also, but it has no reply.
I mean, string id 2030 doesn't contain any character to jump to next line so obviously you can't make it any better there. But can't you find this elsewhere in the msglang.dll or any other program-file?
I don't really know how the files are built up. But couldn't there be like an string containing somthing like "2030/n%2"?
I know there must be some smart guy here at the forum who can help
* Kingen999 loves to customize msn =)