WLM 2009 Wave 3
Ok so it all started when i deleted groups.
I created some groups just for fun and then wanted to delete them so i did. Then my messenger crashed so i restarted it and found some signin error (i think it's about the groups thing)
I removed every single contact cache folder/file and didn't work
so i installed the RC and it started working. but only problem was that there was no Plus! features
I found a copy of the Wave 3 offline installer so i downloaded that, uninstalled RC but it didn't disappear from the uninstall list.
I opened the offline installer, accepted the agreement, and then i found that Mail was still installed!
I just tried installing anyway.
Messenger failed to install because it can't install Contacts.
I installed RC again so then i can try uninstalling after, but it wasn't appearing in the uninstall list..
I removed the folders manually.
Then i tried out doing the WL-Beta-remove.cmd from microsoft but it seems that it just screws it up even more...
Now it's showing that i have Mail and Messenger installed whenever i open WL installer
sorry if it wasn't clear but i'm in a panic