Originally posted by stuartbennett
they maybe few in number but not in significance, some of the resources i was skinning before there numbers arent there anymore and without a resource bible for 9.0 which willz has already refused to do i have no way of determining where those resources went to.
Well its not that I refused, its more like I don't have the time to do so. Job + personal life + own side projects > documenting.
There's just too much going on in 9 for me to bother, not when I don't get paid for documenting stuff. I can't put that much time into something anymore without it having some kinda benefit career/money/improving skills wise.
Tbh it's really not that hard to find out what resource does what, most of the major ones you can easily spot out.
Originally posted by davidpolitis
Let me get this straight... You guys can't skin 9, yet you want someone who can skin 9 and can create good graphics to join your group so that your group can have glory?
When I read it the first time it sounded like that. I think the odds of finding someone is pretty low considering that those who are competent enough would have their own skins going on. Probably be better to keep on trying instead of waiting around.
Good Messenger Skinners are a rare breed.