O.P. requesting help with scripts. to do with quicktext.
in Messenger Plus, i use the quicktext thing for ascii art... so if i type /coke... this comes up:
,d888a ,d88888888888ba. ,88"I) d
a88']8i a88".8"8) `"8888:88 " _a8'
.d8P' PP .d8P'.8 d) "8:88:baad8P'
,d8P' ,ama, .aa, .ama.g ,mmm d8P' 8 .8' 88):888P'
,d88' d8[ "8..a8"88 ,8I"88[ I88' d88 ]IaI" d8[
a88' dP "bm8mP8'(8'.8I 8[ d88' `" .88
,88I ]8' .d'.8 88' ,8' I[ ,88P ,ama ,ama, d8[ .ama.g
[88' I8, .d' ]8, ,88B ,d8 aI (88',88"8) d8[ "8. 88 ,8I"88[
]88 `888P' `8888" "88P"8m" I88 88[ 8[ dP "bm8m88[.8I 8[
]88, _,,aaaaaa,_ I88 8" 8 ]P' .d' 88 88' ,8' I[
`888a,. ,aadd88888888888bma. )88, ,]I I8, .d' )88a8B ,d8 aI
"888888PP"' `8""""""8 "888PP' `888P' `88P"88P"8m"
because of the 1100 character limit in msn, i could only use ascii art less than 1100 characters. i recently got stuff plug allowing me to use 5000 characters, i thought it was gonna be sweet, but when i typed /whatever it didnt do the full picture, only the 1100 characters. i guess im either requesting a script or an external program (preferably a script) which allows me to do quicktexts of 5000 characters (or more if possible).