I have found that if you go into your messenger plus! preferences and then disable tabbed chats, open a chat, then re-enable it then the chat you opened will be on its own and further opened chats will be tabbed. Which means that you can (kinda) detach chat windows, the only problem with that is the going into the preference every time so i was thinking.
If someone could find how to enable/disable that option using a Plus! script similar to this
(found on a forum)
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage( oChatWnd, sMessage ) {
if ( sMessage === '/webcam' ) {
Interop.Call( 'user32', 'SendMessageW', oChatWnd.Handle, 0x0111 /* WM_COMMAND */, 40279, 0 );
return '';
which starts sending your webcam in the current chat window. I have no idea about resource hacking (i assume) to get the code which does what i want and i don't think its safe playing with numbers so if someone could help find that code id be very thankful.
I have found out how to work it and i have made a script which i will link to it when i can =) thank you for all that has looked at my post lol