O.P. Live Messenger font problem - very strange
Hallo all,
Im having this very weird problem on my Live Messenger with Messenger Plus!. Well Im now posting this forum on my new computer. Before when I was using my old computer and uses Live MSGR, the font in the chatting windows are not what I wanted. EG if I set font to Bradley Hand ITC then for me the font looks more like Times New Roman. When I change it to any other font it is the same result. I asked my friends on MSN what my font is and they say its just more Arial like, no matter what font I choose to use.
Now just yesterday I installed my new computer. Note the old and new computer are all Windows XP Pro SP2. And the first time I use MSN everything seemed very fine but the upcoming times when I use MSN the font does exactly what it did to my old computer!
Now this seems very strange and I dont know what is causing this problem. So for professionals who can kindly help me to work out and solve this problem, it will be much greatly appreciated!