O.P. I'm trying to create a Responder (Nedd some help)
Hello all.
I'm trying to make a basic bot. I will describe what it should do. I hope someone can make it for me, really appreciated.
It starts when someone would click me and write something, then the bot should give him the text: "Press -1 for exit, or press -2 to talk with [here it should say the email of the person he is talking to]"
And so if he says -1 it should close the chat windows for both the guy with the bot and the guy that clicked him.
If he says -2 then it should send a nudge to the guy with the bot. And then send a messege with text: "[email of the guy with the bot] Should get back to you in a moment.
If anyone can make this for me, I will really appreciate it alot!
Thank you in advance.