I bought FFVII a long time ago when you told me it was good Sam
but I've never gotten around to playing it, I think I played it for about an hour and didn't like it that much, maybe I'll go back to it
Originally posted by Steven
If you want a great game then I have to recommend uncharted 2. Yes its not an rpg but it has that lasting appeal that your looking for as well as the great online. Remember ff13 is one play through type game (its awesome but rent it) so if your looking for a game you can come back to then i strongly suggest checking out Uncharted 2 if you haven't yet.
Will get
Originally posted by traxor
I got to the second disk in just over 8 hours and I'm 3 hours into the second disk... It's only just starting to get interesting.
It's the most linear "RPG" I've ever played. I'm really disappointed by it. I bought Mass Effect 2 at the same time, expecting to complete FFXIII then play Mass Effect 2 afterwards, but it's the other way around.
Oh, and I'm so stressed that it's not as good as I hoped that I went and bought a PS2 with Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2.
Kingdom Hearts is awesome. I'm waiting for them to announce a new game for the PS3 instead of the three (or two?) they just released.. those were for the DS, the PSP and one for cellphones. Btw, if you haven't already, get Re:CoM .. it's the remake of the PSP game, it happens between I and II. You can fight the whole organization and stuff (It's a PS2 game btw)
Oh and the Final Mixes are also fun, but they're in Japanese (But there's guides online for the items so you know what they are, so it's really not that bad if you don't speak Japanese)
Still not convinced about FFXIII
I think I'll get either Little Big Planet or Uncharted 2 for now