Originally posted by traxor
Originally posted by High Speed Chaser
Thanks Vilkku, can you (or anyone else) please recommend any CMS that I can use for an almost fully coded website,
I highly doubt that you're going to be able to just import code that you already have to use as a CMS, you're going to need to modify it a little so you can use it as a template. It's not as hard as you may think and I'd say that WordPress is your best bet. I second Sam's opinion there... It's a very easy content management system to implement and use. Just make sure you read through the WordPress Codex carefully and follow the instructions - that will help you loads.
Ok thanks Traxor,
MY current site is coded to have a left/right/top/bottom frames so that links (both internal/external) are opened up in the middle, it's more important that the frames are there for the external site. Is this possible using the templates in word press? would that make traxor's idea, slightly harder for me to code?