hey guys, as you know i am dealing with greif for the lose of immy, so while i was surfing around the forum, i saw a post about people complaing that plus when you use the (!WAT) it will only capture what plus! sees in the taskbar, so i created the code that will find EXACTLY what its playing even if it is scrolling, now i dont have the time to create the code for the plugin and if any Visual Basic programmer out there wants to finish this for me then great (i will attach the code for the program (not the plugin code) to this thread
now there is an about window, and just pop your name into the plugin code part, but please leave the red text where it is, and what is says
well thats about all i have to say, so here you guys go, enjoy
(oh and the command could be something like (!WAT2))
ignore the first module, its just a standard one i make when i use api related programs
no need to change any of the code at all
if you just want to see what the program looks like (well the function to do it then here)
Public winampTitle
Public Function winampSong2(frm As Form)
Dim winampvx As Long
winampvx = FindWindow("winamp v1.x", vbNullString)
Dim TheText As String, TL As Long
TL = SendMessageLong(winampvx, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
TheText = String(TL + 1, " ")
Call SendMessageByString(winampvx, WM_GETTEXT, TL + 1, TheText)
TheText = Left(TheText, TL)
If InStr(1, TheText, " - Winamp") Then
TheText = Replace(TheText, " - Winamp", "")
TheText = Replace(TheText, " [Stopped]", "")
TheText = Replace(TheText, " [Paused]", "")
For j = 1 To 500
TheText = Replace(TheText, j & ". ", "")
End If
If TheText = "Winamp 2.91" Or TheText = "" Then
winampTitle = TheText
frm.Caption = winampTitle
End If
End Function