okay i hate to bring gmail up cuz then people will start asking for invites and all that stuff but i was delteing a message then it said you messages have been removed click here to learn more then this came up
Originally posted by http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7401&rand=0.08301618063567062
Since you have more than 1,000 megabytes of storage, we recommend that you archive rather than delete. Once you delete a message, it's gone for good. By archiving messages and conversations, you can take advantage of Gmail's powerful search functionality to retrieve any message you've sent or received.
Your messages are grouped together as conversations. If you delete from your inbox, you will be deleting an entire conversation, not just one message. To delete a conversation from the inbox, select the box and choose 'Move to Trash' from the drop-down menu.
To delete a single message, open the conversation. Expand the specific message that you would like to delete. Click 'More options.' Once the options are visible, click 'Trash this message'.
Your deleted conversations are moved to the trash. Once conversations are in the trash, you can delete them by going to the 'More actions' drop-down menu and choosing 'Delete forever.'
Should you mistakenly put a message or conversation in the trash, just click on 'Trash' from your inbox, select the message or conversation and then click Move to Inbox.
The Gmail system will automatically empty your trash and spam every 30 days.
I wonder if they just expect to give you as much space as you need or if thats just a typo cuz it says you have more than a 1000 megabytes of storage.. who knows...