O.P. Release: POP3 Mail-To-Popup
i have been working on this program for a while i had a bit of trouble converting to to a plugin so ill upload the exe. basically its a bit annoying right now but what it does it it starts at mail 1 reads it and brings up a popup and you either choose to read it or not to read it, if you hit dont read it exits the program and if you choose read it shows the mesage. when you hit hide email it goes for email number 2, it keeps going until it receives an error which then it takes the email number back one so say if you had 3 emails in your box and it looked for number 4 it would get an error then look for number 3. just hit dont read and it shouldnt bother you. also RUN the config.exe file first to sort out your details. post and bugs or errors you get and how you got them please.
Thank you.
Update : new version
Added :
New Data Splitter (alot easier to read emails)
New layout (sorta)
doesent write your details to a txt file anymore it writes it to the exe or the registry (cant remember)
To Do :
Tray Icon
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This post was edited on 09-18-2004 at 01:38 PM by Ash_.