this question was originally asked by
ash_ in my 'stupid thread
of do we exist or not', so
and it is this:
what is your opinion on this question, are heaven and hell real?
just state what you think and why.
i know most of you are intelligent to already know this, BUT:
do not discriminate other people's beliefs/theories/faith/religion or lack thereof.
everybody has a different point of view even people who are of the same religion or who are both atheists. everyone is different and views things differently, so NO one is right. -> seriously. (for eg. if i dont believe what you say, even though other people do, it means you are not right 'to me')
there is no real proof for what anybody here says except for what lays in your hearts
you can comment on other people's opinion, but dont try to convert anybody. this is just for discussion and reflection.
and FINALLY i'm interested in everybody's responses.