KeyStorm's reply to [Suggestion] (FAQ's Option) I suggested a way to include short and targeted help pieces to make the users discover features in Plus!. I thought this may be the best appealing way to have users read the instructions.
I've compiled a simple concept art of the feature:
- The icon (which _needs_ to look better than that) should have a smooth blinking animation that would attract users attention but wouldn't annoy when looking at the window.
- The balloon would appear when the icon is pressed
- After quitting the tip by pressing on the exit button or just clicking outside it the icon would disappear until next day (or next reboot)
- Tips (and their respective translations) would be maintained online and be periodically grabbed by Messenger Plus! making it easier to manage. There could be a group of people who would keep updating and profiling the tips list. If users don't allow Plus! to access the net (using a firewall) the icon won't appear at all
- Optionally: The first time it is shown, a ballon could automattically pop up suggesting the user to regularly click on the icon to read interesting tips and tricks. This would also allow users to disable the feature like they can do from any other tip.
Well, i heard some people supporting the idea, so I thought I would give it a somewhat more accurate description.