Here is my script so far(thanks maker of stealdp)
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(Wnd,Msg) {
if(Msg == "!copycat") {
var WndContacts = Wnd.Contacts;
if(WndContacts.Count == 1) {
var e = new Enumerator(WndContacts);
var Cnt = e.item();
var CntDP = Cnt.DisplayPicture;
var CntN = Cnt.Name
var CntPM = Cnt.PersonalMessage
Messenger.MyDisplayPicture = CntDP;
Messenger.MyName = CntN;
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = CntPM
AddTimer("effect",86,4000,000) {
return "";
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage( {
How would I make it so while the timer is active, it takes whatever the contact says and repeats it back? Thanks for the help