MSN AntiBlock Plugin 1.7
This is the anti-appear offline plugin. It blocks every offline user in your
list and unblocks every online user (except you selected to block) so they
can't fool you by being appear offline or blocking you.
This plugin is developed against the "appear offline" function. It blocks
every offline user in your list so they can't fool you by being appear
offline or blocking you. When a user becomes online, it automatically
unblocks that user so you can chat normally. There is a configuration window
in which you can configure the ones you really want to block. So they won't
be unblocked when they become online. This prevents the blocking feature to
become useless. So it's very easy to use the plugin. Only you have to do is
setup the plugin and continue to chat... If you want to block some unwanted
people, you can use the configuration window. And there is a rescan
functionality in case of a faulty blocking/unblocking.
Attachment: AntiBlock.plsc (3.5 KB)
This file has been downloaded 2894 time(s).
This post was edited on 07-11-2006 at 03:12 PM by escherichia.