O.P. To The Pro's: please correct this cool script
function OnEvent_MyStatusChange( [4] NewStatus );
This is a read/write property.
[boolean] Blocked(
[xxxx@xxxx.nl] Email
[boolean] DisplayToast(
["Sander"] Title,
["Sander heeft je geblokkeerd."] Message,
[C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\online.wma] SoundFile,
(made red, CUZ IT DOENST WORK)
now this is a code i made, it doesnt work. i hope someone can change it for me.
a simple explanation: a script, wich makes a toast popup, with the message ''sander has blokked you'', sander as title, and online.wma as a soundfile. i want to enter a email adres in the script, to specifie the user where you want the block information from, if he blokked you or not. i want this toast to appear when you change your status to Busy.
so, please correct this if you can. when corrected, post on this topic and feel free to use it everyone!
PS: please keep the idea to enter a email adres (and a message and title for that adres) in the script by yourself, by the editing button in the plus menu. also if this script is corrected, is it possible to copy and past this script a few times, each script part a different email adres and message, but still in the same script js file?
Thanks already.