O.P. Script idea and comment about emoticons
I have this script idea i'd like to expose so I could hear any advice or ideas you guys might have before i start making it.
The basic idea to the plugin is to free me (and eventually others) from having to put up with some people abusive emoticons, the kind that replaces common letters and words with animated emoticons making it irritating to read the messages.
After reading the documentation simply filtering the message didn't seem possible so my alternative idea would be to use the built in option in msn to disable emoticons.
My script would have a list of blacklisted contacts (user created), and using the OnEvent_ChatWndCreated it would check the contacts in the window and if any blacklisted contact was present it would disable smiles for that window, if not it would enable it (so the disabled doesn't spread to newly created chat windows). I didn't see any way to do it trough scripting so I'm guessing i could send a win32api SendMessage to the Conversation windows using the supplied Handle to enable the option.
The limitations in this would be that even default smilies would be disabled also your custom smiles would apper as text to you but your contact will still see them, not shure these are a good or bad things.
So, is there anything here that can't be done? Is there anything that could be done better? Any advice? Please let me know...