O.P. "Messenger Plus! Live" and "SRS WOW XT for Windows Media Player" bug. Please, help!
Hi there for everybody!
Since I installed Messenger Plus! Live, I noticed that my Windows Live Messenger causes an error when I close it. After this, when I open Windows Media Player an error message appears informing me that all plugins were disabled because the Media Player was not closed correctly. I informed this to a friend and he tested both Messenger Plus! Live and SRS WOW XT together and he experienced the same problem!
Something is going on between Messenger Plus! Live and the SRS WOW XT Plugin for Windows Media Player that is causing an error when closing Live Messenger!
Please, solve this problem! It's so hard to can't use any of the two programs! And the SRS WOW XT Plugin is fantastic! The sound is totally better when it's activated!