I have this -piece- of XMl code:
<Control xsi:type="EditControl" Id="pathEdit">
<Position Left="10" Top="30" Width="230"/>
<Control xsi:type="ButtonControl" Id="StealBTN">
<Position Left="100" Top="50" Width="50"/>
And this -piece- of JScript code:
function stealDP (dir_path) {
for(var e = new Enumerator(Messenger.MyContacts); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
{ var Contact = e.item();
if (Contact.DisplayPicture != "") {
var oFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
} MsgBox("Successfully Stolen!");
///////////Using The Script/////////////
function OnWndTestEvent_CtrlClicked(PlusWnd, ControlId) {
if(ControlId == "StealBTN") {
dir_path = PlusWnd.GetControlText("pathEdit");
stealDP (dir_path) }
but I dunno where the pics are being saved, 'cause they don't go to the path I type in "pathEdit" neither to the script's directory
How do I pass correctly what was typed in "pathEdit" to a variable so later I can use that in the StealDp function?