The latest panic of the internet: UNIX system's crash in the year 2038. Lets hope there's an update.
Well for all 32 bit UNIX systems that are not updated. (meaning not just computers that are UNIX but web-servers too) can crash in the year 2038. A bug in UNIX type operating systems causes the system to fail after the year 2038. The problem is processing the time and after January 19th 2038 UNIX systems cannot accept the time change. It's the 2038 super bug.
After the Y2K bug that didn't really effect any major web-servers can this be the successor that will kill the internet?
Originally posted by Wikipedia!
While no significant computer failures occurred when the clocks rolled over into 2000, preparation for the Y2K bug had a significant effect on the computer industry. The fact that countries where very little was spent on tackling the Y2K bug (like Italy and Korea) fared just as well as those who spent a lot (like the UK and the US) has generated debate on whether the absence of computer failures was the result of the preparation undertaken or whether the significance of the problem had been overstated.
There's actually a lot of machines that can go wrong and can't be replaced.
By 2038, it's likely that many of the susceptible machines will have been decommissioned before the critical date occurs. However, legacy systems and embedded systems could still be affected. These may include process control computers, space probe computers, embedded systems in traffic light controllers, navigation systems, routers, gas pumps, etc. It may not be possible to upgrade many of these systems, so they will need to be replaced.
I'm gonna get a UNIX system and change the time to just before that event i'll post back!
What's your opinion about this?