O.P. Msgplus and wlm9 original beta
Alright as many of you may know microsoft has forced everyone to stop using wlm beta 1 (9.0.1407.1107) which is the only version of wlm9 that works with msgplus now what i did to get around what microsoft did to force people to stop using it is: I changed the version number inside wlm (9.0.1407.1107) to 14.0.5027.908 which is the latest beta version of wlm now what I would like to do is somehow change/remove the version check in msgplus so it will accept v14 and allow me to still use msgplus, if i can do that it msgplus will work because it is the same version that it has always worked with, but no longer works because it doesnt accept the "hacked" version number.
Anyone have any ideas?? if u have a question about what i did just ask.
Remember I am talking about the private beta 9.0.1407.1107 not the new public beta