There is a way to disable Logitech LED, even if there isn't an option for it in the settings which you can see quoted at the bottom by chillburgh, if anyone can do this it will be really popular from Logitech users. You could add commands like.
/ledoff or /ledon
For QuickCam and above, LVUVC_LEDControl is located in the following registry key:
Note - If more than one camera is installed, you will have a "folder" for each device (i.e., 0000, 0001, 0002, etc...).
It has a default Data Value of REG_DWORD = 0x00000005 (5).
Based on your comments, I will assume that the following information is true:
0x00000000 (0) = LED Off
0x00000008 (8) = LED On
Please note that only *certain* cameras support this feature, so the mere addition of this key will not cause the LED Control buttons to appear in the QuickCam® Advanced Settings.
from chillburgh:
- The LED Control setting shown in that thread does not exist in my Logitech Webcam Software
- The registry entry shown in that thread does not exist in the proper section of my registry
- After manually adding the registry setting and rebooting, the LED was indeed disabled
So if the registery doesn't exist it can be added
Kind Regards,