Originally posted by matty
Originally posted by Cidinho
Chris4 is right. However, in my experience, the tool has been accurate to describe people deleting me (Had a "Yes", now has a "No")
And "my experience" comes from ex-girlfriends deleting me, so you can see how reliable that is.
That is then, this is now. The data provided by the Microsoft servers will always show that the user doesn't have you therefore the tool (column) is useless.
Weird, it does seems to work sometimes. It happens more like to 1 in 10 people. 9 of the new people in my contact list will always show "No", even if they claim to have added me. Yet, every once in a while, 1 new person shows "Yes", and this "Yes" seems to be reliable, as it changes to "No" after I have a fight with said person.
I don't think it could be *that* big a coincidence, do you think it might have something to do with the "let everyone know I'm online" setting in previous Messengers option, as opposed to this "Microsoft server error" everyone is talking about?