Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Only the interface will change.
it's not just a chaange of interface, it's a change of software, aka less features and such . Just wanted to make that clear.
Ok, but isn't that exactly what "the interface" is???
And about those still missing features: hence why it is being beta tested and hence why it is a work in progress, even after the public release....
Though it indeed sucks that many things/features need to be done all over again and re-added. Things which took years to develop into what it currently is and which we take for granted on this 'old' forum. But that does not mean they wont be added again. It only means it would take some time.
If so, that would make much sense.
(although after seeing stuff from him and others in the shoutbox, I somehow doubt that, although I'm sure he would deny that)
Either way, let it be so, then it means Discrate meant that the 'interface' would be the cause of the community dying. And in that case, I still stand by my opinion that I don't see how an interface would be able to kill a community. I mean, it is not the interface that holds this community together I think, it's the people on/in it, at least it should be.
@SurfiChris, WDZ, Guido:
Yeah, it's a great pitty (and wrong in some way) that they didn't ask you. But as far as I know they never said they didn't wanted that you worked with them either. And tbh, have either one of you contacted them before with propositions to work together? If so, then I stand by everything you said. But if not, don't you think you're being a bit unfair too?....
Actually, and I do hope I'm wrong with this, from what I've read from the shoutbox and forum, after Patchou said there were plans for a new forum structure and integrating of the forum in the main site, WDZ quickly said he didn't wanted to work for them, so...*
Of course, this was all back when there was no community liaison yet and communication between them and the community was non-existant. But lately that has changed for the better (though it is still not yet what it should be) and it will continue to improve in the futur. But apparently some people don't see the improvements and keep on clinging to that 'Yuna=Devil'-thing in every way they can (even by spreading stupid assumptions and whatnot) if you know what I mean...
I mean, it must come from both sides, no?
* EDIT: Although apparently he also said he wanted to help (note: isn't that 'working for them' then? ). But still, how would they have know about that if he only said that in the shoutbox/forum way before Yuna knew about the forum, let alone knew about WDZ?