Originally posted by Zoidy
Thanks Cookie, I'm sure they are keeping track of our comments and trying to improve on the area's that we don't like etc.
They sure do.
Maybe not as fast as some might have hoped, but at least they're trying.
Originally posted by Zoidy
Honestly to me the site doesn't matter to me how it looks as I wont use it often enough to really care about. The forum I'd use a lot more though but not as much as the end product i.e. Messenger Plus! 5, thats what I would care about how it looks and more importantly how it works and preforms.
couldn't agree more.
Originally posted by toddy
cookie, how much a year do yuna pay you ?
not enough... as in: nothing.
But seriously though, I think what I say is called '
common sense'.
It's a totaly different concept than '
hear-say' and '
it's bad and it always will be just because (it's yuna)"..
Originally posted by blessedguy
Originally posted by CookieRevised
because the old design is no more.
But when will we be able to see it?
I hope soon enough though....
It's taking them a bit too long to just post a new screenshot imho. But I can't do much about that unfortunatly.
(no, I wont leak it)