Originally posted by Chrissy
What's stopping 'Yuna' from reading our logs?
What's stopping MS from reading your hotmails?
What's stopping FB admins from publishing your private data?
What's stopping your ISP from reading your internet traffic (incl. password sends (like POP3 logins) over an insecure connection).
What's stopping the admins here from tampering with your account?
And I can go on and on and on like a duracell bunny on steroids.
If you don't trust them, then don't use the online logging and stop moaning for the sake of moaning.
Originally posted by Chrissy
And If It's encrypted here then sent, the amount of data Yuna has they can easily come up with an algorithm to decrypt most of them, and sell them to marketing companies or spammers.
And it's stuff like this which makes it very hard for people to take you seriously and to not call you an idiot.