Originally posted by CookieRevised
UIB encoding... hmmm....
The only people I know who have experience in it (that is: the 'MS Windows format') are Patchou and somebody else who I forgot the name of, and I even think TheBlasphemer (oldie from here too, though he is not active anymore). But Patchou doesn't develop Messenger Plus! anymore. Nevertheless, maybe, if he reads this, he can give you some pointers etc.
Messenger Plus! is currently developped by Yuna. And I dunno if they will give you some pointers or not (you know: 'trade secrets' sort of ). But who knows......
That's something I was afraid of. Very, very few people seem to have knowledge of this format, or even of its existence. I've tried piecing it out myself, but without any experience in binary encoding, I'm about as helpless as a fifth grader reading a Calculus textbook. That being said, it would be amazing if any one could provide the slightest hint. I'm sure it's not entirely difficult once the pattern is down, but without that initial knowledge, it's close to helpless.
Of course, I'm not trying to break any "trade secrets" or anything, just looking to get this file into a state I can actually read
Thanks for the info