Originally posted by Fike
I think perhaps this script might be able to point me in a good direction, and I can learn the basics from it (windows, toasts etc.)
There are much better and much easier scripts to learn the basics of scripting/programming from. Again, please do not alter and republish scripts without the original author's approval. Especially advanced scripts which require advanced scripting and programming knowledge (and in this case even reverse engineering), since there is much more going on than the 'basic' things.
It is not the proper way to learn scripting. Instead start with easier to understand scripts. Make your own small basic scripts and learn from there as you go. You'll find it will be a lot easier and faster to learn scripting in that way.
It is also not really opportune to say everywhere that you're going to have an update for NudgeToolsScript for the latest WLM version if you don't even know how it works, etc... Again, I understand your enthiousiasm to learn scripting, and your willingness to help out and to provide people with updates of scripts, but this isn't the way to do it.