Originally posted by Yustme
i didnt changed it yet, someone else changed it and uploaded it here for me to test it if it works.
oh... yeah... I was in a rush and didn't noticed the poster.
Either way, Fike's change will work for Plus!5, but it wont for Plus!4. Instead you need to check the version of Plus! and use the appropiate path accordingly.
Originally posted by Yustme
about your PS, the maxmsnwindows is a constant variable. whats wrong with using constants? although im not a javascript programmer, thought its a good practice.
Yes, I know
maxmsnwindows is a constant variable and there is nothing wrong with using constants? But that's not the point at all though. Doing:
If (X<2) {
If (X<8) {
makes little (read: no) sense at all. Passing the first check tells you that X is smaller than 2 (thus 1).
And if it is smaller than 2 it is of course also smaller than 8 (aka:
If (X<8) is redundant.
But, evermore, you shouldn't be using
If (X < maxmsnwindows) in the OnInitialize event in the first place because that is not the proper place to do it. You said
If (X < 2) was a test code. But in fact, that line of 'test code' should actually be the one you must use instead of
If (X < maxmsnwindows). This because it is only the very first instance of this script which needs to start the other Messenger instances. All other instances of this script, which start because you open more instances of Messenger, should be prevented from executing the code (otherwise you end up in a loop). In other words, the script should only be started once, aka you need to use
If (X < 2). That's the logic you should be using for something like this.