O.P. RE: [Resolved] Interop.Call SendMessageW not working since Plus 5/WLM 2011
Ok, wow, thanks for all the info.
My concern about 'every single event' was due to the fact I have to hook many events for my script to work: OnEvent_ContactStatusChange, _ContactSignin, _ContactSignout, and _ChatWndCreated. But yes, ChatWndCreated is probably the only event I actually need to do the registry check for. Cool! I can just do an unobtrusive toast notification, then, notifying the user the script won't function while tabbed chats is enabled.
Thanks very much! If it's ok with you, I'd like to send one/all of you my script when I'm done if you'd be willing to try it out, if you have the time? I'd appreciate your input! Also, you might actually find it really helpful; I don't know what I'd do without it now! (I've actually been using it since 2009!)