Originally posted by matty
You need to check the registry value each time because Microsoft allows the user to, in real time, disable and enable tabbed chats.
Good point. I did just notice this myself while I was testing, and unfortunately no events get fired when the setting is changed.
However, because of how I've structured my code, I can keep the registry check being done only when absolutely required. For instance, it would only ever need to be fired on a contact sign-in event, for example, if a conversation is open with that user.
This should be fine! All I have to do now is figure out how I should be reading this value
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Correct though (I forgot there was no second parameter to specify the type when you read a key). However, there is nothing difficult about a VBArray. In fact using toArray() is all it takes to convert it.
js code:
try {
var oShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var bTabsEnabled = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSNMessenger\\PerPassportSettings\\" + Messenger.MyUserID + "\\DisableMSNToday");
bTabsEnabled = new Boolean(bTabsEnabled.toArray().join(""));
} catch(e) {
var bTabsEnabled = false;
Oh wow, ok, I guess you did it for me. Thanks! Lol! I had never expected this much help today. I really appreciate it, everyone