Okay, an update on this:
I've implemented the shake feature with a compatibility mode. By default, it uses Cookie's code, but if that doesn't work, check the 'Broken' option to set X and Y to 0 (instead of the relative position of the window)...
Any other suggestions for the script?
Originally posted by SmokingCookie
Dunno if you're into physics, but it seems like an accelerated motion: it starts off slowly, then goes faster and faster (like 1/2 * a * t^2).
Yeah, I do A-level physics so I know what you mean. Certainly strange behaviour, though...
Here's an example of how the script works in a conversation (I've
highlighted events that occur, which otherwise wouldn't be visible from a conversation alone).
WhizWeb Community says (20:56)
John says (20:56)
WhizWeb Community says (20:57)
*changes status to away, Voicemail auto-enables*
John says (21:10)
you back yet?
WhizWeb Community says (21:10)
[Voicemail] This is WhizWeb Community's voicemail. WhizWeb Community is currently away, or otherwise not available at the moment.
To leave a message for later, send !message <message>.
To attract WhizWeb Community's attention, send !attention.
To be alerted when WhizWeb Community returns, send !return.
John says (21:10)
WhizWeb Community says (21:10)
[Voicemail] A notification has been set - you will be notified when voicemail is disabled. You can clear this notification by sending !return again.
John says (21:12)
still not back?
WhizWeb Community says (21:12)
[Voicemail] This is WhizWeb Community's voicemail. WhizWeb Community is currently away, or otherwise not available at the moment.
To leave a message for later, send !message <message>.
To attract WhizWeb Community's attention, send !attention.
To be alerted when WhizWeb Community returns, send !return.
John says (21:12)
!message can't hang around, but need to tell you something... will discuss it tomorrow
*message sound plays*
WhizWeb Community says (21:12)
[Voicemail] Your message has been stored successfully.
John says (21:13)
*displays toast/alert, plays alert sound, shakes window (as per settings)*
WhizWeb Community says (21:14)
[Voicemail] Your request for attention has timed out or was denied - please try again later.
WhizWeb Community says (21:17)
*changes status to online, Voicemail auto-disables*
WhizWeb Community says (21:18)
[Voicemail] Voicemail appears to have been disabled now...
*message reminder toast/sound*
A venture into the Script Menu, shows one unread message, which, when clicked...