RE: Chat History recorded but doesn't show
Because you were manipulating the files (merging) while those files were in use by Messenger.
Messenger probably saw that those files couldn't be accessed and as such created another new log, and/or you saved the merged log with the wrong name and/or to the wrong location, and/or you forgot to remove the partial source files of the merged log.
If you want to merge files (and this general rule of thumb goes for any files for any program, not just Messenger):
1) close all the programs which use those files before you start merging. In this case Messenger.
2) make sure the final file is saved in the correct location with the correct file name and correct file extension,
3) make sure you remove the partial files after the merging to avoid accidently continuing in an old partial file.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.