Originally posted by BooGhost
Originally posted by Lareamond
P.S. DJMystic & I are working on a GIANT talker pack with talkers like Yoda, Elmer Fudd, French-Chef, etc.
yoda! that's gonna be hard
try to make a tutorial or something to help users creating their own talker
Read about VBScript or JavaScript. Also read the readme as it contains two extremely simple examples.
Read the following two URLs for ducmentation on VBScript and JavaScript.
VBScript documentation:
JavaScript documentation:
Also, if you have any problems, try this documentation:
Another thing, here's a sneak peek of the yoda talker:
Original text:
StuffPlug by DJMystic is l337 pwnage!
Yoda text:
Yoda says: djmystic by is l337 stuffplug pwnage!