Oh sorry, I forget the reg key. What i posted is for both C++ and VB plugins. But for VB you also have to add some stuff to the registry:
In the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Patchou\MsgPlus2\RegisteredPlugins you have to add a string key like "My VB plugin"="VBplugin.Class"
Read the readme that comes with the examples and you'll understand better:
When installing a Visual Basic plugin, you are required to create a
special value in the registry to let Messenger Plus! know that it
has to load your DLL. Placing it in the Plugins directory will not
be enough. Here is the value you have to create:
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Patchou\MsgPlus2\RegisteredPlugins
Value Name: any name you want to identify your plugin
Value data: VB object identifier (ProgID)
The object identifier is the name of your project, a dot and the
name of your class. For example, the identifier for the VB sample
distributed in this API package is "MPPlugin.Sample".