RE: msn messenger lock down & Trillian, Odigo and Imici
My take on the situation is this.......
AOL is starting to offer services for their AIM product at a price. Rumblings in those communities is that they may start offering a feature-laden version of AIM at a price especially now that it has come to light that they have formed a "partnership" with one of the 3rd Parties that have developed an add-in that does similar things to Messenger Plus!.
Microsoft may just being getting their legal "ducks in a row" so they can easily roll out a "for cost" business model for MSN and/or Windows Messenger.
I just hope they keep the basic services free and you pay to get other features "unlocked".
But like I said in another forum. Hasn't MP3's taught big business anything? Consumers will take free any day over even the smallest of fees (i.e. $0.01)