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'the Infectious One'
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O.P. RE: MSN Messenger Dice Roller: Needed
Heh, let me try this again... Just typed a load of stuff and then went to post reply and I didn't have a subject thread so it was all lost... Anyways...
Dice needed are 1d2, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10. 1d12, 1d20 and 1d100. But, what would really be handy is if you can enter any number of dice you wish to roll as well as however many pips you want on each die rolled. It would be nice to be able to roll anything from a 1d1 to a 100d100 or more.
Example: ''/roll 1d3'' - Output: ''Parasite rolls a 1d3: 2''
Or even have the capability of adding pluses to each die rolled.
Example: ''roll 1d3+2'' - Output: ''Parasite rolls a 1d3+2: 2+2 = 4''
I hope this doesn't seem to complicated or overwhelming to code...
If not, then here is another idea. Colorizing certain parts of each roll to make them easier to distinguish between players and from other text.
Example: ''/roll 1d16'' - Output: ''Parasite rolls a 1d16: 12''
Example: ''roll 1d16+4'' - Output: ''Parasite rolls a1d16+4: 12+4 = 16
Or what else would work is if the end result of the die roll was in the players/users own font color. If that is to complicated to engineer then red would work since it is much easier to pick out of the rest of the text.
Also, for the GM or DM, a private roll function would be nice, of course anyone can use this function.
Example: ''/proll 1d20'' Output: ''You roll a 1d20: 18''
This way say you need to roll something in private without anyone else seeing you can without opening another IM window somewhere else.
If a user types just ''/roll'' then it should respond with the following text, ''How to Roll: /roll [number of dice]d[number of pips][Pluses]
Type /dice for more help''
The help file would be ''/dice'' responding with the Dice Roller Plug-in info, list of rollable dice, any other helpful information, creator of the plug-in and contact info if possible. Plus, ''Dice Roller inspired by Parasite the Infectious One.''
As far as the name for the Plug-in itself, MSN Messenger Dice Roller seems like a suitable name. I think that it should require everyone who wishes to use the roller to have the plug-in. Instead of being like a bot where they can issue the commands from your messenger.
I hope that clears things up on what is needed, I do hope it isn't to complicated. Also thank you for your time. Maybe I can be of some assistance in further ideas of developing this Plug-in. As you can see I am quite creative.
~ Parasite the Infectious One ~