RE: Personal reactions to recent news
Yes, i do understand that fact. Microsoft has many free services for us, such as Hotmail, ect. They do put some of thier revenew back into thier technology, but not much considering what they are making.
And I aslo agree with you there. Programs like Trillian and GAIM, should NOT be using microsofts bandwidth. It is pretty much like stealing. I agree that Microsoft can ske for server maintainment fees from non-microsoft operatin systems. But the chances are, someone that owns a computer, has purchased somethign from microsoft.
But then again when you think about Bandwidth usage, microsoft could easily come up with a way to not go thorough thier server as much. Instead of indirect, a direct connection to the target computer. Spend a little more money in research, so it could save them some money, and in the end, make everyone happy.
I agree with you strongly in one way, but then again do disagree.