lol, don't be so sorry, it's very possible I under looked something. However, I checked again and everything seems the same, as you, I even remove " - Winamp" when I find it. For those interested, here is an excerpt of the Messenger Plus! code that gets the song title for Winamp 2.
HWND hWinamp = FindWindow(_T("Winamp v1.x"), NULL);
TCHAR sTitle[1024]; ZeroMemory(sTitle, 1024*sizeof(TCHAR));
GetWindowText(hWinamp, sTitle, 1024);
if(sTitle[0] != '\\0')
//Remove everything after the WinAmp marker
for(int i = _tcsclen(sTitle)-9; i > 0; i--)
if(_tcsnicmp(sTitle+i, _T(" - Winamp"), 9) == 0)
sTitle[i] = '\\0';
Let me know what I didn't saw in your VB code that makes the difference, and sorry for being such a moron lol, I'm just not that used to VB code, I can only guess what it does. Btw, WDZ, what about fixing the <code> tag so that it doesnt puts double carriage returns on every line?