I also noted an entry in the guestbook written by her brother (posted august 31th):
Hey sis, how come I haven't signed your guestbook yet? Gotta
fix it Well, you already know what I think. You have an
amazing talent for expressing emotions, and your graphics
are absolutely heartbreaking- which means that they are made
with great talent and they deliver the message brilliantly.
Thanks for such flattering description of me in the
"brothers" part, I'll live the rest of my life with a big
head and inflated ego now You're the best friend and the
best sister anyone could ask for, and your selflessness and
your ability to love never seizes to amaze me. You're a true
angel, and I'm sure you have a pair of pink wings stashed
somewhere . And once again, to give you an even bigger ego
boost- wonderful website. Really. See you around later today
I hope!
It must be terrible for him now, esspecially since he liked her so much
I also noted this on her site:
This is my entrance graphic it takes two to three mins to load.
!Warning very morbid!