Originally posted by BooGhost
Originally posted by CookieRevised
yep, like DarKnight said, a hex-editor is all you need...
A patch is nothing more then this... (it overwrites some bytes)
BTW: Backup an original file, Patch that file, and to a binary compare -> FC.EXE FILE_ORI.EXE /B FILE_PATCH.EXE /B
The output is the difference between the two, now you can see what bytes are changed into what bytes...
but how do i make i patch with this
There are tons of 'patch-software' available on the internet. (google). I for one, never needed this though, and if I did, I would write my own. It's easy as hell:
;BASIC pseudo-code
' * Read/Check if right bytes exist at position 1234
open "program.exe" for binary as #1
get #1, 1234, A$
if A$ <> chr$(05) + chr$(06) + chr$(07) Then
close #1
print "Doesn't seem to be the right file. Quiting..."
print "Right byte sequence exists. Patching..."
put #1, 1234, chr$(99) + chr$(98) + chr$(97)
close #1