Originally posted by bach_m
does the program explicitly look for it on the C: Drive? because thats not my system drive..... (long story)
No, it doesn't. The program asks the Operating System to use some of the functionalities of that file. Then the OS looks for that file in its folders (the windows, system and system32 ones) in the folders of the PATH variable and in the folder where the program is.
When i said you to put the file in c:\.... I meant your system32 folder, which is usually at that location. But if you changed the letters of your drives or installed XP in other drive and/or folder, you should put the .ocx in your system32 folder. It can be c:\windows\system32 or c:\winxp\system32 or d:\windows\system32 or.... do you understand me?
The thing that really matters is that you have a good installation of XP. If you installed XP and after that changed the letter of the drive where XP was installed that may cause you problems.