Originally posted by chris
Hmm its not working for me i get this error... anyone els getting this? if so how can i fix it?
Edit: I got it to work i deleted the account and then re added it.. but what happend to make the error before?
That's the error you get when you try to send some mails...
* Or Outlook Express is configured to use the incorrect POP3 port (must be 110) or SMTP port (must be 25).
* Or you are on a an ISP that blocks their users using any SMTP server other than their own.
* Or the "My server requires authentication'' was still checked, and in order to work you must uncheck this, (look for my and Choli's posts in this thread -around november 1st- what this means)
* Or your username wasn't corrent: in previous setup your username was something like "blabla", now it is "blabla@msgplus.net"