RE: Knowledge sharing - project ended
Ok, I wasn't going to mingle in the battle back then (when Patchou started the thread at MSNFanatic), but I can't hold it any longer...
First of all, this isn't the place to discuss landrights. But one quick note to ecko_complex before he flames again: I'm greatfull that Australia has given some (holy) land back to the Aboriginals. (just to make my position clear about "landrights".)
Now back to bussiness...
People (note that I say this in general) keep it to the facts, and don't flame eachother with stupid arguments about age, experience, landrights, schoolsystems, tags, etc... Keep the bad words and flames out of here. Not that this forum is censorred, but just because this doesn't help anyone.
I am the last one to say that all this seems to be a "war" against Patchou cause everybody is jealuss. Cause IMO that a very cheap thing to say. But after reading countless posts and threads (on both forums) it seems to me that this is the case because I can't find much solid arguments in all the flame-posts.
Some arguments talk about the sponsor. I don't like it either. If there is a better way, I hope Patchou would find it. I trust him in that. And after reading many posts of him I do believe him. And after all it is optional. And there is no default option ticked anymore, so there goes another argument....
Some arguments talk about monopoly. In the real world this happens also (and don't give me that age-crap, I'm twice as old as most of you. Which actually doesn't mean a thing cause I've seen guys here around 15 that act much more mature then others who are +18). Anyway... Someone invents/makes something. It has some success. It gets further developed. With each step the knowledge of that someone gets bigger and bigger. The bigger the succes, the bigger the complaints. This is normal.
Where lays the difference with Plus!. Patchou lets the user give suggestions. He implements it if he think it's right. That's HIS dessicion and WE have to respect that. We can only comment it. (not flame it)
If we want other things, we have to make them ourselfs. But how can we? We don't have the knowledge. Well learn. Patchou has learned it also. But if he released some code/dll/tutorial it would be easier.... Now how hypocrite is that? First you say you hate him etc... Then you want to use the same thing to build your product...
If Patchou wants to release something it is because he wants to SHARE something. That means you have to be happy in what you get.
Afcourse there will be always people who are not happy with what they get, they only want to get more... And isn't that what's it all about? You want to get more....
Maybe thats a good thing. Maybe... But the difference would that you can ask it nicely and respect Patchou in his dessicion about that. You don't have to agree with it afcourse, that's something different. You can disagree with him but still respect him.
Now, as any other of us, he made mistakes. Maybe he had to post just a bit more to let you know what he was thinking. Maybe that was wrong of him. Starting another thread to invoke him was maybe not a bad move. Only you have to think before you act. Between the lines I could read that the post was indeed something to invoke. Although I had my doubts about the true intentions... If the poster said he didn't meant it to be like that, then fine. I can live with it. But in the futur, think before you act!!!
That Patchou all of a sudden said the project is off, is also a surprise for me. IMO he must consider it again. But first let things cool a bit. When things are cooled down, he can try again with a different approach, cause this didn't work obviously....
Well, I'll stop here now for a moment...
PS: don't give me flames about my writing, I'm dutch and I try my best to get my point of view across. I'm sure you can live with the spelling mistakes...
Note to Patchou (and others):
I will never bow to your feet or suck up to you. If I do, it's all a joke.
You aren't a God, far from it....
But, Man, I do respect you. You are a big example to young programmers. Sure you make mistakes. But you learn from it. You respect other people (in what I've read in your posts). I talked alot with other developers of other shareware/freeware products. But I must say, you're the one that seems to give the most about his users.
And that's a major drawback.
Note: this is not sucking up, make that clear. If some people think it is, that's there opinion. I don't have to get anything from Patchou....
He has to get respect from us... He has mine....
Happy Xmas
This post was edited on 12-16-2003 at 12:29 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.