What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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Knowledge sharing - replies
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Undecided  RE: Knowledge sharing - project ended
This is pathetic. :-/

The lot of you have lost the plot.  The thread was created to announce that Patchou is not creating any scheme to share Plus source code or similar.  His reason was that the people that it would affect and benefit don't care for him or respect him.

He did not post it so Plus 'fans' and Plus 'enemies' could rip out each other's throats.  He asked you not to.  "Please do not reply to this thread by insulting MSN Fanatic users"  Kapeesh?

He did not ask for people to mindlessly insult Plus! either.  He invited opinions, but some of the posts in this thread do what he closed the project for.  They spit on him, it's the only way to describe it.

Why is there such a problem with living and letting live?  I have objections to many things but I do not insult the people who make them.  You achieve nothing by doing it, except making some think you are pathetic and leaving a sour taste in everyone else's mouth.

I also have objections to some of the crap I've just read not because it is coarse and contemptuous but because it is downright wrong:

Originally posted by doggie
i have nothing to apologize for.. if he was offended so be it and wasnt my intention
Just to clear things up, an apology is what you give to show that you didn't intend to cause offence/upset/heard someone.  Of course you're not gonna apologise if u meant it.  That is the height of arrogance.
Originally posted by kaoz
if patchou cared for the msn community AT ALL he would of made Plus module based, but no, all he cares about is DOMINATING the msn scene (to which he provides very little) -- JUST LIKE MICROSOFT
I'm impressed at how many forms of bullshit you can get into one sentence.

Patchou has provided very little for the Messenger Community?  He provided his life!  He has no job, he works daily on improving his program.  I would like to hear somebody contractict the fact that the majority of developers for add-ons, patches, etc. for the Messenger community spend their evenings or part of their leisure time doing it, as a side-occupation.  As he repeats he was one of the first people on the Messenger modification scene, giving many people inspiration as to how much Messenger can actually be manipulated.

When you devote this much time to a product you do not just give it away to people like that... anyone can pick up a module and incorporate it into their code.

Of course he cares for the Messenger community.  All he demands is that his work is acknowledged, and if years of work are just flung onto the net people won't always do that.  If the main developers can't see the good side of his work either then that leaves no reason for him to do it.

I like the reference to Microsoft.  It makes you seem to think that they dominated the computer industry by sitting on their asses and contributing nothing.  Microsoft jumped in when most people didn't think software was worth developing.  They created Windows, IE, Office, all of which are very successful but also good pieces of software.  There's their contribution.  And to get ahead they had to work, just like Patchou did.  You don't get successful by sitting on your ass... anyone can do that.  What it does is gives them the privilege of being able to sit back and still have popularity after the hard work.  Welcome to the world of reward.

I really hate having to complain like this, because in the end it only adds to the angry atmosphere, unless someone listens.  Please please please, if you have a problem with something Patchou has done, say so and leave it at that.  There's no need to pretend that he's some malicious gargoyle.  He's not, and any regular post you see of his shows that he's very kind, caring and helpful.  If you're a fan of Patchou's work, please don't pounce on objectors, if they're being pathetic let it be and try not to stir things up.  Also try to see their point of view, in some cases they do have a point :)

This post was edited on 12-16-2003 at 05:29 PM by fluffy_lobster.
12-16-2003 05:27 PM
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